Sunday, October 21, 2007

Now 2

I want to start over with this life of mine.
Do it better from now on.
I’ve spent so much of myself
somewhere other than here and now
and somehow anything but happy.
“One day, one place at a time, OK?”
Tomorrow is worry and fear,
yesterday is judgment, regret.
Today is all I have,
now is where I’m at,
so I’ll stay right here in now ‘til its over
because everything happens now.
Nothing happens in the future,or the past.
No amount of fear or worry
can make anything happen in the future.
No amount of regret can change a thing in the past.

I have my own small space in now
where I have some control, if I want it.
With a little work, I can do pretty much what I please,
Be happy, be sad, be content, be afraid...
I now choose to be content within this space of mine
and as I move my space around in life,
to interact with others, or not,
I choose to remain focused on peace of mind,
not worry or fear, so maybe I’l be able
to hold my part of the world together
as now goes on.
And I hope I might somehow make life a little better
for those whose space is most intimate with mine.

Now is all we have
and all we need.
Lord , help me to be here now.
Always now, help me stay away
from other places, other times.
Let me be here now, with you.
Let me be happy in my now, in my little space.
Let me be responsible only for that which you give me, Lord.
Let me not be afraid.
Please Lord, let me not be afraid.

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